Colorful Effects
Inject new colors and textures into your music with the real-time, instantly gratifying audio effects built right in to the Stutter Edit engine. Ride the new, real-time wave-changing paradigm. Whether combining filter sweeps with beat repeats, delays with reverse swoops or bit crushers with granular break-downs, let your music and effects do the talking, not countless hours of editing.
- Make aggressive resonant sweeps or create LFO-like modulation that locks to each Gesture's timeline using the Filter Module. Shape the sound of each key-controlled Gesture individually, or use the Global Filter to apply a buildup/breakdown filter sweep to your entire audio track.
- Fly from a subtle chorus to a springy rubber-band effect with the deep Delay Module. Dedicated resonant band-pass filters provide perfectly tweakable results to your wet, delayed signal.
- Get a dose of digital distortion crunch or add a periodic growl using the Bit Reduction Module. Like every Stutter Edit module, it'll move in sync with the tempo.
- Get back to the old-timey future with the Lo-Fi Module. Adjust the Lo-Fi settings to get a "vintage digital" vibe or bury the whole track in fuzz.