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Bring vocals into the spotlight. Give your drums more oomph. Add grit to your electric guitar, and weight to your bass. And much more. Elevate any sound in any genre with Neutron’s powerful modules.
NEW: Clipper
Add power while reclaiming headroom. Clipper is feature-packed with unparalleled flexibility for intuitive soft clipping across multiple bands, mid/side channels, and transient/sustain content.

NEW: Density
Keep your key elements pinned upfront in the mix. This surgical upward compressor effortlessly smooths out dynamics, giving your audio more presence, detail, and fullness.

NEW: Phase
Out-of-sync signals sound weak and empty, and asymmetrical waveforms eat up headroom. Phase analyzes asymmetry within a single signal and identifies phase issues with other tracks in seconds, offering tools and visualizations to fine-tune as you need.

Ways to buy
Buy Neutron 5 standalone, or save when you bundle with award-winning iZotope tools.

Music Production Suite 7