How to Use Music Rebalance in RX
Isolate mix elements from a single track with the new source separation module in RX, Music Rebalance. Easily reduce vocals in background music for clearer dialogue, learn how to remove vocals from a song, or separate vocal stems from a track for easy remixing.
Music Rebalance is a new game-changing source separation tool in RX which allows you to shift and isolate mix elements like vocals, bass and percussion from a file. Learn how to remove vocals from a song and more:
Remixes and live recordings
With Music Rebalance, you can isolate a vocal from pop song, and then reintroduce that vocal into a whole new environment for a remix. You can even remove the muddiest of instrument bleed from live, off-the-floor vocal recordings.
Dialogue placement in the mise-en-scéne
For the post production pros, you can easily attenuate or remove sung vocals that are interfering with talent dialogue by using Music Rebalance. You can even use Music Rebalance right inside of Pro Tools as an AudioSuite plug-in to clear a path for actors’ dialogue by attenuating sung vocals in background music.
Get Music Rebalance in
RX 11 Advanced