Why Dialogue Match Is Offered as an AudioSuite Plug-in for Pro Tools
Why does iZotope offer Dialogue Match only as an AudioSuite plug-in for Pro Tools? Learn why and provide feedback so that iZotope can improve your user experience.
When we decided to make Dialogue Match, we were immediately faced with hard choices about how to design the workflow and how that workflow would be supported in various hosts. Should Dialogue Match be an offline or a real-time plug-in, or both? Should we support it in ten hosts, as we do with RX, or release a more targeted product?
The challenges of delivering a complex plug-in with multiple workflows in multiple hosts—all within a reasonable amount of time—led us to conclude that the best product we could create should initially be focused on a single workflow for a single major host. We targeted our largest installed user base, Pro Tools users, and chose to optimize an AudioSuite workflow for those users.
Your feedback is welcome here
AudioSuite was a good place to start. The initial response to Dialogue Match from re-recording mixers and editors has been overwhelmingly positive. Predictably, we’ve been hearing from those of you who work in DAWs other than Pro Tools.
We’re interested in learning more about your use cases. Let us know what DAWs you’d like to use with Dialogue Match and tell us a bit about the work you plan on doing. Are you a digital cinematographer or indie filmmaker? Or, perhaps you work at any agency that produces high-quality videos for marketing purposes. Let us know how you’d like to use Dialogue Match in your workflow.
If you haven’t already taken our short survey, please take a moment to do so now:
Your feedback is essential to helping us improve our software and setting the course for future versions. As always, thank you for using our products!