Download Free Ozone Artist Presets from Keys N Krates
Hone in on a bass-centric, sample-driven sound with free iZotope Ozone presets from Toronto-based Keys N Krates that they used in their new album, 'Original Classic,' and learn more about the trio’s creative process.
Toronto trio Keys N Krates is celebrating the recent release of their album Original Classic by giving away a set of free Ozone presets that will help you hone in on their signature bass-centric, sample-driven sound.
Whether you’re looking to tighten the low end of your bass or drum bus or add subtle presence, clarity, and glue to your vocal or master bus, these exclusive presets will help you hone in on Keys n Krates’ unique vibe.
Download their free presets for
Ozone 11 Advanced
Ozone 11 Advanced

Visit this link and follow the instructions under "Preset Packs" to learn how to install Ozone presets.
Tell us a bit about how Original Classic came into existence, from any formative / inspirational moments to the tracking itself. Was it different from previous recordings you've made?
After making our previous Album Cura, we knew we wanted to build on and explore that sound. The big difference to making Original Classic vs. our previous work was having a little more time off of the road to explore new ideas and work on some more collaborations. The concept was to pull inspiration for rhythms and sounds from around the world, including Brazilian drum lines, African rhythms, and Italian soundtrack music. Our process has been the same since the group started, and that's for each of us to bring ideas to the table. When we're all excited about one of those ideas, we collectively tackle/argue/change/bicker with it until we have something we all like.
When you’re producing your tracks, are there any elements that you keep in mind for your live shows?
We used to make music with our live show in mind and make songs we could fit in our set. Cura was a bit of a departure from that mindset and the new album Original Classic is going back to us making a "Dance" album. I know that sounds weird coming from a Dance band, but with this new album we really wanted to have something that would be able to be played in our live sets.
How did you use Ozone on Original Classic, and how is that reflected in the presets you made?
Ozone was used to master every track on Original Classic—a special shout out to the Vintage Limiter, we love how that sounds and Modern Mode is especially nice. When sharing ideas between us we use these quick Ozone presets to get us in the ballpark of a finished master. We used to hire mastering engineers to master our music and it's hard to compete with their ears and expertise, but being able to master our own music gives us the flexibility to make changes all the way up to the date of delivery.
What excites you about being in music right now?
We're just excited about discovering new music, exploring new ideas and collaborating with other artists and enjoying making music in our new studio. We've been able to get back on the road doing shows, so being able to see the crowd's reactions to our new music has been really refreshing after being cooped up in our own bubbles finishing this project. We are always learning and exploring new sounds, textures, and grooves—and the best part of music is that the learning is infinite.
Is there any advice you’d like to share for producers that are just starting their music journeys?
The best advice we can give is to try and create your own sound and make music for you. Be different, and take inspiration from all types of music to create something that is unique. Learn from others, and try new ways of creating. There's a wealth of information on YouTube (and it can be overwhelming), but by trying different ways of creating you can stumble on great musical ideas. Oh, and don't be too heavy handed with plug-ins! Faders, pans, a good balance and Ozone at the end. If your plug-in chain is a mile long on a snare, maybe try and find a different snare sound.
How as the pandemic impacted the recording and touring sides of your work?
It's definitely had an impact on our touring and shows. This was the longest break from the road we've had since starting the group. We did make the best of a bad situation and took the time to work on our studio chops, learn new instruments, and pick apart old bad habits on our current instruments. It's hard to be consistent when you're constantly traveling, so we would like to think we used the time wisely.
What’s next for Keys N Krates in 2022?
We just released a video for the song “Original Classic.” It's a funny animated video done by a super talented artist named Bird Peterson. We are currently on tour in support of the album and also working on new music to be released later this year.